Friday 17 June 2011

The story of the Whale

I feel like a whale washed up on to a shore. On a shore where people don't believe whales exist. I'm dying in front of them. They're looking at me without doing a thing.
A whale. Crying for Lord Ulmo. Lord of the seas. I'm dying. Drying.

Evolution. It took over a million years for life to come out of water. Countless deaths of our ancestral fish. Darwin killed them for his evil plans based on natural selection.
The fish, they finally came out.
The dog. The mad little dog. Showing off, jumps into the water.
No no no!
He lives!
Magic is at work!
Lord Ulmo works his magic. Waves the trident around the gasping dog.
That's where I come in. The whale!
The dog whale!
Created by a miracle.
Left to die?
Why doesn't he answer me? My creator Ulmo...

I die there. While more dogs jump, the trident moves.
The dogs don't die.
But I do. Maybe God says it's enough 'coming out and going in' for a while.
Fish comes out. Becomes a dog. Goes back in. Lives.
I'm a whale coming out. I'm destined to die because God thinks it's enough drama for one season.

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